Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 4: How is it going

I can't tell you on Day 4 I have learned a lot about my self and emotions. Today I am making a grocery list. Slowly this week I have been weeding out the bad stuff. That would be 90% of everything in the house. My kids wanted me to make them something sweet to eat last night. Since I was making cakes for a funeral today. Then it hit me I don't know what to make that is not full of fat. So here I go to google again.

My journal I carry around is full of ideas now to make the time to do this. I look back at this week in a quick review and know this is one journey indeed. Stress, no menu plan, no healthy snack and no dessert to eat. Ever thing is full of calories. I did buy some bananas, apples and oranges and they are almost gone. My kids have hit this hard. Even the salad I made they have put in their lunches. I never realized how their body's were wanting this.

I do have something positive thought my water is getting better. Yesterday I was up to 40 oz of water. I plastic glass that has the ounces on the side so them I know where I am at. This has proven to be very helpful in tracking what I need.

Ready, set, let the journey begin.

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